A couple people in this raw food class talked about the difficulties in staying raw in this society. When one person was detoxing, a nurse advised her that raw food was unhealthy. The woman giving her this advise was overweight and a smoker. I wonder where this nurse got her information.
That’s an important distinction. Where do we get our information? Many research studies are funded by the meat, sugar and dairy industry and skewed to make their product look good. For the people who still own a TV, the ads make eating a happy meal seem like the American dream of convenience and fun. If you have an energy drinks, you’re lead to believe people will like you and you’ll be more fun to be around. The list goes on and on.
There’s information and then there’s lack of information. There are millions of animals killed each day to satisfy unhealthy appetites. The confinement is skillfully tucked away from public view. The slaughterhouse workers are often immigrants barely making enough to survive. One woman in this class stayed after to talk about the social justice issues of eating meat. She was concerned about the human toll and the suffering of people who work in horrific conditions. What must it be like to be someone working in a slaughterhouse, killing gentle, yet terrified beings every 12 seconds? (There’s a book by the title Every 12 Seconds if you want to learn more about the subject.) How do these workers feel when they go home to their significant others and children? What kind of toll does it take on their emotions and how does that energy ripple out to their loved ones?
We can all be happy and healthy on a vegan diet.