Drumming and The Rhythm in the Kitchen




These are my buddies from my last drumming class at Village Heartbeat. My drumming teacher, Zorina Wolf talked about how Africans would follow a rhythm as they worked to till the fields. I thought about my parents who operate a large farm in Minnesota. The equipment is huge, like walking into a small apartment on wheels. The computer dashboard in the air-conditioned cab of the combine is like the pilot display of a 747 airplane. It’s efficient, but at what cost? Have we lost the natural rhythms of our bodies and the earth?
I thought about so many people who detest spending time in the kitchen. The food manufacturers have gotten us addicted to convenience. Most of us have seen video clips of children who can’t name basic vegetables and think that eggs come from a carton in a store. I’ve personally done a survey of over 500 people, half of which didn’t realize a cow has to give birth in order to produce milk. (which was intended for her baby calf)
I was one of the many people who stocked up on canned food so I didn’t have to go to the grocery store so often. Thankfully that’s changed and I know my local farmers by name now. It’s humbling to see how many good-hearted people don’t know the basics of how to hold a knife to cut vegetables.
Many of us are evolving into eating whole fruits and vegetables. (the kind you have to cut up 🙂 My process was one of first being annoyed that it took so much time out of my day. Then, realizing it was a new way of life and I actually had to spend time in my kitchen. My next step was listening to inspirational speakers on youtube as I cut up my weekly veggies. I began to relax a bit. After today’s drumming class, I think I’ll make it a point to listen to slow, steady world music, get into the rhythm as I feel the motion of my wrist, elbow and the rotator cuff in my shoulder. I’ll put attention on my breath and allow my ribs to expand a bit more.
Drumming is one way of getting back to the rhythm of life. There were times in class the ‘goon’ sound in the sweet spot of my drum took me right to the center of the earth. And connecting that to spirit or heaven or whatever you want to call it. No words, really, just a very expanded feeling. I find it at the beach too, hearing the sound of the waves. I watch geese fly overhead and listen to them call. Then a leaf-blower is turned on next door and I jump back to my head resisting the whole mechanized experience. Living in the whole body makes me feel safe. Like being in the drumming circle, I feel connected with others. Wiggle your toes with me right now and feel the miracle of being human. Knowing the difference of being on automatic like a robot or, being fully tuned in to each of our senses seems to be the key to experiencing life. Life with a capitol L.

0 thoughts on “Drumming and The Rhythm in the Kitchen

  1. Great blog Pam! I too have greatly enjoyed getting back into my own rhythm with Zarina’s drumming class. It has not been an easy process for me and I plan to take more of her classes to help me with my journey. I love how we all do different things in our lives, but can apply what we get out of drumming to each of our different passions. Wonderful journey! Thanks for posting our class, so many happy faces. My body was really buzzing after todays session. Blessings to you on your journey, I look forward to where it takes you, and me both.

    1. Yes, applying what we learn from drumming in our own lives. It’s fun to hear other perspectives. I love watching other people’s hands drum a different rhythm while feeling and staying centered in my own rhythm. The brain simply must be excused from this game or it would explode! Blessings to you too Josslyn, see you on the path somewhere down the road…

      1. That’s sweet of you to say, but I’m a bit suspect as to what that could possibly be. Would love to catch up on the last 3 decades. On the floor over the video of your parents with the melon. They where always game.

  2. Imagine my surprise! One of my associates favorite “coaches” is my old friend. Love your stuff, and couldn’t be happier for you. From one of your oldest fans!

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