Emotional Eating: Day 3 of the Purium Cleanse

Third day of my third ten day cleanse is going well. I’m doing a cleanse four times a year now for the spring and fall equinoxes, summer and winter solstices.

It’s funny how I still recognize my emotional eating patterns. With the Purium products, I know I’m getting the nutrients I need, yet still feel the urge to grab for food when I’m bored or nervous. Someone once said that it takes a month of eating healthy for every year you’ve had a chronic condition to resolve the issue. If I am 56 years old and have had these eating patterns since I was 6 or so that means it will take 50 months (a little over 4 years) to stop eating emotionally. It may not take that long but it also lets me cut myself a little slack for still feeling compelled to reach for food emotionally, even though it’s my third 10 day Purium Transformation Cleanse.

I think drinking more warm water with lemon will help as well.

Here’s a video of my first cleanse when I was on day #3. It also shows me making raw almond milk.

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